Saturday will determine it.
Whether we are good at losing grand finals or good at sweet revenge.
So much here at stake. I can't bear the thought of us losing again and Sydney winning again. Last year it was us vs them and they took it out. Four points the difference. I ran out of the room trying not to cry in front of my friends. I calmed down when I told myself there's always next year.
This is it. The next year I thought of. I didn't think we'd be playing Sydney again though. I know Sydney started off slow but finals football is what they are good at.
So of course a part of me is scared. Terrified even. But I know my boys will do fine and I have confidence in them.
When it's all over. I will be alright. No more sleepless nights.
1994 was the last time WCE won a flag so it was 12 years ago. About time they win another one I would say.
Carn the Eagles!!WA is with you all the way!!